Lab Alumni & Visiting Scholars Funding: The lab is and has been supported by grants from the NIH-NINDS, NIH-NCI, Skirball Institute Funds, March of Dimes, Concern Foundation, Whitehead Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Université de Genève funds, Louis Jeantet Foundation, Oncosuisse, FNS, Human Frontiers Science Program, NCCR-Frontiers in Genetics, Leenaards Foundation, Hirschl Foundation, The Parkinson Foundation, Swissbridge Award, EU-FP6-CAPPELLA and EU-FP7-HEALING. Postdoc grants include grants from NIH, HFSP, Ramon Areces Foundation, L'Association pour la Recherce Medicale, a Latin American Pew Fellowship and L'Association pour la Recherce Contre le Cancer.